2014 Introductions from CT Daylily
Angels In Newtown
Howard 2014
(Ruffled Strawberry Parfait X Bella Sera)
3 way; 17 buds
Pink blend with lighter halo and yellow-green throat with white ruffled/toothy edge and lighter mid-ribs. Fertile both ways. Almost registered as a Late, a trait it inherits from RS Parfait. A large very pretty bloom.
All proceeds will go to the Sandy Hook School Support Fund to support the families affected by the terrible shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut on Dec. 14, 2012. Twenty children ages 6-7 and six adults were gunned down in this senseless tragedy by a deranged young man, who then took his own life. Display only.
Doctor Feelgood
Howard 2014
(Hearbeat Of Heaven X Jay Farquhar)
4 way, 18 buds
Magenta rose with slate-lavender halo and yellow-green throat with
ruffled double edge of lavender and gold. Fertile both ways. A large
bloom with very pretty coloration. I am not a Motley Crue fan-just like the name. Display only.
Image taken in the shade
Jealous Sky
Howard 2014
Parents unknown
3 way; 15 buds
Lavender mauve with large washed eye zone and yellow-green throat. Fertile both ways but pods difficult. A large bloom on tall scapes. I almost held this one back because I do not have a real good photo. Eye extends onto sepals. Have been using this with patterns — really like the color. Increases well. Name is from a Sting song, Fields Of Gold...$35/clump
Joo-joo Eyeball
Howard 2014
(Tet Ben Lee X Slipped My Disco)
6"/32", M, Sev, Tet
4 way; 21 buds
Mauve with multicolored patterned eye zone and green throat. Fertile both ways but pods can be difficult. Ambient lighting will affect color. What you see is how they looked when the shot was taken. The pattern will vary and seems more prevalent in cooler temps. Name is from the Beatles' song "Come Together": Check out the seedling below.
"Here come old flattop, he come grooving up slowly
He got joo-joo eyeball, he one holy roller".
Joo-joo Eyeball X Barcode (our 2018 intro Space Cowboy)
Explosion In The Paint Factory
EITPF Seedlings
EITPF X Heavenly New Frontiers
EITPF X Absolute Ripper
Howard 2014
(Flying Trapeze X Webster’s Aggie)
7"/38"; La, Dor, Tet
4 Way; 20 buds
2018 Honorable Mention, 2018 Eugene S. Foster award for best late blooming daylily, 2019 RW Munson award for best patterned daylily, and 2020 Lambert-Webster award for best UFo.
Yellow UFo with variable red broken overlay. A hard dormant that goes down early. Fertile both ways. Will proliferate. I see a few blooms<5%) each year that are solid color, but even those are appealing because of the twisting of the petals. Rarely an entire scape will show all yellow blooms. I split off a fan like this and it later sent up a scape with broken color. Very nice wide-spaced branching. The
colors will have different patterns on different days-see below.
All segments will twist, spatulate and cascade depending on the day. Truly nothing else is like it out there. It has the plant habit to go with a truly unique bloom, with the bonus of extending the season with something you can't wait to see each day. Display only.
The broken color trait may pass on to its seedlings. Several hybridizers have gotten positive results. I have several offspring and one intro from it: Scuff Marks (2020).
EITPF On Various Days
Rorschach Test
Howard 2014
(Spacecoast Sea Shells X Tet Marked By Lydia)
6.5"/33"; M, Sev, Tet
5 Way; 20 buds
Light yellow with patterned applique eye zone on all segments. Fertile both ways. Tested in Zone 4. A garden standout that everyone asks about. Reblooms in the greenhouse. Exciting parent.
Remember those inkblot tests?
Rorschach Test Seedlings
Smoke On The Water
Howard 2014
(Me And My Shadow X Ashwood Smoky Joe)
5.25"/35"; MRe, Sev, Tet
4 Way; 24 buds
Deep rose purple with darker veining, lavender watermark, white edge on petals and sepals and green throat. Fertile both ways. Beautiful color, indicative of the high concentration of Munson genes on both sides of its parentage. Opens well on cool mornings. Named for a Deep Purple song with one of the greatest guitar riffs of all time...$50
Wallingford Bling-bling
Howard 2014
(Mandalay Bay Music X Simply Divine)
5.75"/34"; M, Sev, Tet
3 Way; 18 buds
Cream-peach blend with very ruffled sculpted yellow edge. Fertile both ways. The extreme ruffling is not always there but is quite dramatic when it is. I am not sure if it is temperature or humidity related or something else. Bud count approaches 30 on established plants. I expected an eye zone with these parents but like the result. If you want some bling on a Northern hardy plant you may like this one. Display only.
Witchy Woman
Howard 2014
(Heartbeat Of Heaven X Bill Robinson)
5”/28”; M, Sev, Tet
3 Way; 15 buds (mostly top-branched)
Pale coral-peach blend with yellow halo and green throat, ruffled
edge, and mid-rib cristating. It will show the cristated appearance
60-70% of the time. Fertile both ways but I have not pursued its
potential as a hybridizing tool--just don't have time for everything I
would like to do. Introduced mostly for those who have an interest
in sculpted forms....$50