2019 Introductions from CT Daylily
This year we have 8 introductions---all Tets. I like names that will make you smile-songs that were popular during a
point in your life, pop culture, pets and the headlines. All plants have been grown outside without any protection in our
Zone 6-5b climate.
We stand behind everything we sell. In the coming years we will have more emphasis on patterns and broken colors,
but our interests are many and this is reflected in our introductions. Hope you can find something you like!
Butterfly Stampede
Howard 2019
Pawprints on My Heart X (Bali Watercolor X Tet Lola Branham)
8"/38" E,Sev,Tet
6 way branching, 24 buds
UFo cascade
Orchid violet bitone with darker halo and yellow green throat extending onto all segments. Fertile both ways, although pods are difficult. Another introduction from our Pawprints on My Heart.
I almost did not introduce this one. The buds are numerous and sometimes when you have several open on the same day they can get in each others' way. However, it has so many positives I felt it deserved to be registered. It has a great look(especially for early in the season), good bud count, and is tall with good foliage.
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Early To The Party
Howard 2019
Fixed Income X Pawprints On My Heart
6.5"/33"" E,Sev,Tet
3 way branching,16 buds
UFo cascade
Dark magenta bitone with lighter edge, plum watermark, and yellow green throat. Fertile both ways. Another introduction from our Pawprints On My Heart. Rapid increase and one of the first to bloom here, a trait it inherited from PPOMH. Below is a seedling from Early To The Party.
Early To The Party x Yoga Man-2022 intro Blue Eyed Soul
Eye Of The Beerholder
Howard 2019
((Bridgeton Hot Stuff x Orange Clown) x Heavenly United We Stand)
6.5"/44" MLa,Dor,Tet
4 way branching,25 buds
UFO cascade
Crimson UFo cascade with yellow green throat. It looms tall in late summer at the back of the border, with nice fall colors. Fertile both ways with great branching.
I remember speaking in Nova Scotia in 2017.Many of the gardens grew Gossard's Heavenly United We Stand. That's when I knew it would likely win the Stout medal (it did). You could spot it at its 51" height and beautiful color from a long way off. I don't expect this one to win the Stout(lol), but it makes a great addition to the rear of the border at 44".
It also has some Apps' genetics. Although he is best known for his work with reblooming dips, Darrel has done plenty of great work in the Tet arena.
I can't remember how I came up with the name. I had it on my list of possible names. I Googled it and found out it's the name of a country song, but I never heard of the song. Doesn't really matter--it's
a very good daylily.
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I Feel Good!
Howard 2019
All That Jazz at Sunset X Frieda Allen Jerrell
5.5"/30" MLa,Sev,Tet
3 way branching,15 buds
Blue violet petals with large amethyst watermark and appliqued eye. Fertile both ways. Very pretty! I'll bloom a bunch of kids next year.
I picked the name because of how the bloom makes me feel -this is one of the prettiest daylilies I have hybridized. It also is a phrase used frequently by the late Soul singer, James Brown. James passed away on Christmas 2006--hard to believe it's been that long. He was truly one of a kind. I was not a real big fan, but he was quite the entertainer. He not only called himself “the hardest working man in show business.” He also went by “Mr. Dynamite,” “Soul Brother
No. 1,” “the Minister of Super Heavy Funk” and "The Godfather of Soul".
The phrase "I Feel Good" was used in at least two of his songs--"I Got You" and "Living in America". In a career that lasted 50 years, He influenced the development of several music genres and was
one cool dude. Yes-he had some run-ins with the law, and was far from perfect, but his legacy to the world of music was significant.
I'll see some kids next summer--can't wait.
Manly Man
Howard 2019
(Shabby Chic x The Year of the Shark)
5"/33" M,Dor,Tet
3 way branching,15 buds
Indian red with slight midribs and toothy gold edge. Fertile both ways.
The Year of The Shark is our 2015 intro and has given me some nice toothy offspring. It has two great parents for teeth--Bass Gibson and Fantastic Fringe.
"Manly Man" was a phrase my buddies and I used when kidding around about some of the skits on
Saturday Night Live a few (maybe more than a few-lol) years ago. I still crack up remembering Steve
Martin and Dan Ackroyd playing those wild and crazy Festrunk brothers.
Paul John
Howard 2019
Paleo Point x Jealous Sky
6.25"/35" MLa,Dor,Tet
4 way branching,20 buds
Dark magenta with plum halo and yellow green throat, variegated foliage approximately thirty percent of the time. Fertile both ways. Very limited. The foliage seems to go back and forth from variegated
to non-variegated--very strange. Sometimes the blooms appear more lavender than shown.
This the first introduction from Scott's Paleo Point, a very good performer here with an appliqued throat. It has rebloomed 3 times in West Virginia.
Paul John was the son of a friend who left this world too soon. The family has provided me with the following paragraph:
"Paul John was a kind and gentle soul who loved all living things. As the eldest grandchild on both sides, he carried the DNA of so many adventuresome spirits, but Paul John was also unique, and to
quote his students “one of a kind.” His love and stewardship of the earth lives on."
It is an honor to be allowed to name this one for him. RIP Paul John.
Rock And Roll Music
Howard 2019
(Ruffled Strawberry Parfait x Wild Hair)
5.75"/34" MLa,Dor,Tet
4way branching,25 buds
Pink with a toothy, feathered edge. Fertile both ways and quite pretty.
An interesting cross of Tom Polston's Wild Hair back crossed onto its parent, Ruffled Strawberry Parfait. Vigorous plants with RAPID INCREASE.
We all should have some things we are passionate about to make life more fulfilling. Those on my list include dogs, daylilies--and rock and roll music.
My father loved music, but he was not a fan of this genre. When I was young he would complain about the "crap" the stations were playing. Now I say much the same about a lot of today's music-lol-
I guess it's history repeating itself.
I do think there are a few good bands out there today making music with staying power.
Sense Of Occasion
Howard 2019
(Deadliest Catch x Dr Celia Stump)
6.5"/38" M,Sev,Tet
4 way branching,22 buds
Tall stately scapes display well-spaced pink bicolor blooms, with a gold toothy edge and white midribs. Fertile both ways. Scapes are really impressive. From great toothy genetics.
Deadliest Catch has been a fine parent for me, and I thank Tom Polston for introducing it. Dr Celia Stump is another good daylily--goes back to Salter's Fantastic Fringe.
This is my fave of all of the 2019's. I'll see some kids next year. Limited.