2015 Introductions from CT Daylily
Big Dog
Howard 2015
(Frieda Allen Jerrell X Purple Cheetah)
3-4 way;18 buds
Dark magenta with large dark orchid watermark and yellow green throat. Fertile both ways but pods are difficult. A large bloom with great color. Frieda Allen Jerrell has been a very good parent for me. Color can look slightly different in shade or sun (like many) — see images below. Always opens well. Impressive and pretty! You can have this Big Dog in your garden! Display only.
Job Creator
Howard 2015
(Look Into My Eyes X Cobraskin Necktie)
4 way,22 buds
Lilac/purple bi-tone with darker watermark, cream-pink sepals and yellow-green throat. Fertile both ways. This is our third intro from Curt's Cobraskin Necktie. At the risk of sounding like Forrest Gump, if you want seedlings with good branching, use parents with good branching. Look Into My Eyes has always been my favorite introduction from Ron Valente, who was from Maine. I have long thought that crossing appliques with patterns can lead to some very cool results and here is one of them. This one makes you stop and take a second look. At last: a job creator you can count on! With the additional benefits of trickle-down pollination, you can add this job creator to your patterned/applique program.......$20/clump
Howard 2015
(Spacecoast Sea Shells X Cobraskin Necktie)
3 way;20 buds
Pink lavender with darker halo, applique eye zone, and slightly serrated edge. Sib to our Waggle Dance, and our third intro from Cobraskin Necktie. Fertile both ways. Named for a brave young girl from Pakistan who stood up to the evils of prejudice and so many things that are wrong in this world. Bias against females is evident in so many areas of society — in this country too. If we could place more females in the male-dominated organizations, we would be so much better off. If you think I am wrong, take a good look at some of
the good old boy clubs — like Congress......$50/clump.
Don’t Call Me Shirley
Howard 2015
(Bridgeton Geometry X Puffer Fish)
6"/37", M, Dor, Tet
3-4 way; 24 buds
Light salmon-pink blend with toothy yellow edge. Fertile both ways. Named for one of my favorite movie lines by Leslie Neilson in the hilarious 1980 movie Airplane! — a spoof on the popular Airport movies of that time period. You can see the scene here. Very consistent bloom. This is my second intro from Darrell Apps' Bridgeton Geometry, which will throw kids with good bud count and teeth. Darrell used to invite me on occasion to walk his seedling fields with him where he would emphasize bud count and branching. Display only.
Geordi’s Blue Eye
Howard 2015
(Heaven’s Declaring X Tie Dye Skies)
6"/33"; M, Sev, Tet
4 Way; 26 buds
What!! Another canine-themed daylily name!! Yes — I love animals. I sometimes think dogs are better than people in many ways. This one is a rose-lavender with a multi-colored patterned eye bleeding into a darker halo with a green throat. Fertile both ways. One of my faves. Named for my male Australian Sheperd who has one blue eye and one brown eye. He unfortunately is quite fearful — especially of other dogs. We believe this is a result of the breeder breeding for looks and not temperament. Heaven's Declaring is a wonderful daylily that has given us some very nice looks. Display only.
Polar Vortex
Howard 2015
(Vertical Horizon X Entwined In The Vine)
6.5"/31"; EM, Dor, Tet
4 Way; 22 buds
Pale lavender/off-white with large patterned eye of multiple bands of
purple, fuchsia, and magenta on all segments, and green throat. I remember the first day I saw this one bloom. I was blown away by the look, but the bud count was not too good. I moved it from the bed it was in that did not get much sun and was competing with tree roots (common problems for us) and the next year I was pleasantly surprised when the bud count doubled.
It is fertile both ways and has produced some nice kids--nice patterns, good branching and hardy. See below. The pattern is consistent and the colors clean. From two excellent daylilies--I am expecting great things from the kids.....$75
Polar Vortex Seedlings
Polar Vortex X Bow Tie Affair
Polar Vortex X Totem And Taboo
Polar Vortex X Waves Of Joy
Howard 2015
(Wallingford Woolly Bully X Unknown)
5"/34"; EM, Dor, Tet
4 Way; 20 buds
Tawny rose bitone with slightly darker eye zone, cream mid-ribs and toothy gold-white edge. Look — up in the sky — it's a bird, it's a plane — no — it's a shark? I admit I have not seen these movies but if I am using the name I may have to. One reviewer says, "With few tricks up its sleeve, Sharknado only adds to the list of hysterical Sci-Fi monster-dramas that make for a shamelessly brainless 90 minutes well-spent."
This one is fertile both ways. The first of our intros from Wallingford Woolly Bully — and not our last.......$40
The Bird Is The Word
Howard 2015
(Hollywood Calling X Pawprints On My Heart)
7"/47"; EM, Dor, Tet
4 Way; 36 buds
Tall pink cascading Ufo self with green throat. Another one with excellent plant habits from two others with the same attribute. Our Pawprints On My Heart has thrown green throats to many of its offspring. Name is from that "classic" 1960's song by the Trashmen
that you may have seen Peter on Family Guy sing. This one soars high like a bird on strong scapes. Like PPOMH it increases fast, and looks great in a clump. I have stopped hybridizing Ufo's, and am unsure as to fertility — sorry. Don't you know about the bird? Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word....$45
Tramps Like Us
Howard 2015
(Bass Gibson X Fantastic Fringe)
5.5”/40”; M, Dor, Tet
3 Way; 15 buds
Cardinal red with cream-pink sepals, white mid-ribs, gold toothy edge, small yellow halo and green throat. Mostly top branched and with a moderate bud count I hesitated about registering this one for a while. Last summer in full clump strength it was a sight to see and I have decided to take the plunge. Bud count has ranged between 11 and 18. One of the toothiest I have ever grown. Fertile both ways........$75
Wiggle Butt
Howard 2015
(Wigglesworth X Papa Smurf)
9”/44”; M, Dor, Tet
3-4 Way; 20 buds
Medium orchid with darker halo, white edge, mid-ribs and veining, with a yellow throat and twisting on all segments. There's a lot going on here. Petals can cascade, spatulate or twist. If you are hybridizing UFo's you really are missing out if you are not using Bob Schwarz'
Wigglesworth. What a wonderful parent! It imparts plant habit and movement (twisting, etc). Beautiful wide-spaced branching on a tall tet Ufo with clean colors.
Wiggle Butt is named for those wonderful Australian Shepherds who have their tails bobbed so instead of wagging their tails — they wag their butts. The look is both hilarious and endearing........$75