2025 Introductions from CT Daylily

Quantities are limited so call or e-mail soon if you are interested in any.

A Loveliness of Ladybugs

Tongue Tied and Twisted

Septuagenarian Love

Love, Life, and Loneliness

Vampire Campfire

I Don’t Know Clouds

Owned by Plants

Take Back the Night

Jingle Jangle Morning

Polar Cowboy

The Walk Home

The Angels Want To Wear My Red Shoes


A Loveliness of Ladybugs

Howard 2025

(Garden Princess x Whiskey Glasses)

5.25”/32”; Em, Sev, Tet, 3-way branching, 15 buds

Snow-pink bi-tone with random hot pink and magenta streaks. Fertile both ways. I’m holding this back until fall—have a waiting list. May sell a couple on the Lily auction in spring. I have gotten a lot of seedlings from the very fertile Whiskey Glasses. This is one of the best. The colors are unusual for anything from the Undefinable lines, and quite beautiful. 

I have another intro called a Convocation of Eagles. This is a term for a group of Eagles. (Maybe you have heard of a Murder of Crows). Loveliness is the term of a group of Ladybugs.  Ladybugs are often connected with love and prosperity in many cultures. They are believed to bring good luck, and some people believe that if a ladybug lands on you, you should count the number of spots to predict how many years of good luck you'll have.

Available Fall 2025. Waiting list.


A Loveliness of Ladybugs

I Don’t Know Clouds

Howard 2025

(Unknown x Unknown)

6.25”/40”; MLa, Sev, Tet, 4 way branching, 23 buds

Near white with a braided gold edge. Fertile both ways. I wish I knew the parentage of this one. It’s a nice size on a tall scape, with beautiful blooms that open well every time. I have been using it a lot with broken color hems to improve the plant habit and get some with better teeth than what’s currently available. 

I love Judy Collins’ song Both Sides Now, and the name refers to her verse about not knowing clouds at all.


I Don’t Know Clouds

I Don’t Know Clouds

Jingle Jangle Morning

Howard 2025

(Totem and Taboo x Absolutely Stellar)

6.75”/32”; MRe, Sev, Tet, 4 way branching, 18 buds

Creamy yellow with a multicolored eye zone and green throat. Fertile both ways. Pattern is fairly consistent. I have had some good results from Absolutely Stellar, which performs well in our Zone 6 climate.

The name refers to a phrase from Bob Dylan’s Mr. Tambourine Man. Dylan has written some powerful lyrics.


Jingle Jangle Morning

Jingle Jangle Morning

Septuagenarian Love

Howard 2025

(Jellyroll Morton x Stolen Heart)

5.5”/30”, MLa, Sev, Tet, 3 way branching 15 buds

Valentine red with a hot pink halo and a yellow-green throat. Fertile both ways. Stolen Heart has been a good parent for “red”. It was hybridized in Tennessee by the late Lee Pickles, and I try to cross it with Northern parents to ensure hardiness.

As far as the name goes, Septuagenarian is not a word I use often. It refers to someone in their 70’s, which I certainly am. I believe that falling in love is possible at any age and that no matter how old you are it can be wonderful.



Septuagenarian Love

Owned by Plants

Howard 2025

(Rorschach Test x Tet Deep Impact)

5.5”/26””, MRe, Sev, Tet, 2 way branching, 12 buds

Yellow with large, streaked brown applique eye. Fertile both ways. Most scapes show instant rebloom here on mature fans. I look forward to seeing the kids. Its pollen parent, Tet Deep Impact, is the winner of the 2024 Munson award (dip version).

Yes—I sometimes feel like I am owned by my plants lol.


Owned by Plants

Polar Cowboy

Howard  2025

(Polar Vortex x Space Cowboy)

5.5”/37”, ML, Sev, Tet, 4 way branching, 20 buds

Orchid with multicolored eyezone and green throat extending onto the sepals. Fertile both ways. It has a fairly consistent pattern. It incorporates genetics from Hanson, Hansen, Moldovan, Emmerich and Stamile. Branching includes 2 consistent laterals for excellent bloom placement.

If you see a Polar Cowboy, be sure to let me know!


Polar Cowboy

Life, Love, and Loneliness

Howard 2025

(I Am Woman x Garden Princess)

6.75”/36”, M, Sev, Tet, 3-way branching, 15 buds

Pale pink bitone with a pale-yellow halo, green throat and braided gold edge. Fertile both ways. The pod parent can be traced back to Joiner’s It’s a Miracle that I used to grow—a super plant. This is my second 2025 intro from Korth’s Garden Princess.


Love, Life, and Loneliness

Take Back the Night

Howard 2025

(She’s So Outrageous x Witch Hollow)

6.25”/32”, M, Dor, Tet, 4-5 way branching, 21 buds

Purple black self--fertile both ways--4 branches,21 buds. Take Back the Night (TBTN) is the oldest worldwide movement to stand against sexual violence and all proceeds from the sale of this daylily will be donated to that charity. This is a nice daylily and it's a most worthy cause.


Take Back the Night

Take Back the Night

The Walk Home

Howard 2025

(Alien DNA x Butterfly Jamboree)

8.25”/40”, E, Sev, Tet,3 way branching 16 buds

Orchid Unusual form bi-tone spatulate, with darker segments on the petal tips and veining, with a large applique yellow-green throat. Fertile both ways but pods difficult.

The name  is from another song I like by a group called Young the Giant. 


The Walk Home

Vampire Campfire

Howard 2025

(The Year of the Shark x Wolfman)

5.5”/35”, MLa, Dor, Tet, 3-way branching, 18 buds

Light coral red blend with a large yellow halo and green throat, with a toothy white edge. Fertile both ways. Will sometimes show extra petaloid tissue. 


Vampire Campfire

Tongue Tied and Twisted

Howard 2025

(Epicenter x Tet Greetings Earthling)

7”/37”, MLa, Sev, Tet, 4 way branching, 20 buds

Orchid with a large silver lavender watermark, and yellow green throat. Fertile both ways—but I have not used it much. I should do so with some of my cristates, considering its Tet GE genetics. I do not have any of Tet GE—I acquired these seeds. I had a nice intro— “Strut” last year from Tet GE. Ample supply so I can offer double fans.


Tongue Tied and Twisted

Tongue Tied and Twisted


The Angels Want To Wear My Red Shoes

Howard 2025

(Steward Mandel x Stolen Heart)

5”/27”, M, Sev, Tet, 3 way branching 15 buds

Crimson self with small yellow green throat. Fertile both ways. Another intro with good color from Lee Pickles’ Stolen Heart.

The name is from an Elvis Costello song.


The Angels Want To Wear My Red Shoes