2016 Introductions from CT Daylily
Fourteen introductions for this year, including several personal favorites.
A Charm Of Hummingbirds
Howard 2016
(Great Red Dragon X Emerald Starburst)
4 way; 20 buds
Tall red with an intense green throat. Fertile both ways. Will sometimes poly and/or show extra petaloid tissue. Not sure if this is the influence of the mama or papa. George Doorakian's lines have polymerous tendencies. Jamie Gossard's "green" spidery lines have done all sorts of crazy things. The real strong features of this one is the height and vivid colors. The contrast between the red petals and green throat is very eye-catching.
Birding enthusiasts may know that a group of hummingbirds is called a charm. We are fortunate to have many of these beautiful creatures visit our gardens each summer. Some get stuck in the greenhouse and I have to lure them out — usually with a pot of fuchsia I'll place on the ground near the doorway. Luckily, so far, our pups have not snagged one!
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Dipped In Pink
Taken in greenhouse
Howard 2016
(Wallingford Wooly Bully X Best Edge)
6"/25", EM, Sev, Tet
4-5 way, 25 buds
Pink, cream melon polychrome with green throat and bubbly/toothy gold edge and light pink sepals with darker edges. Fertile both ways.
I thought I had over-used our 2011 intro Wallingford Woolly Bully. I liked it so much I tried it with many toothies, and with Matthew Kaskel's unregistered seedling known as Best Edge. I got many different looking results including some toothy cristated looks. This one has to be one of the prettiest. The pink sepals are one the first features to be noticed. The top image is in shade — and check out the branching.
Howard 2016
(Emerald Starburst X Rose F. Kennedy)
5.5"/32", MRe, Sev, Dip
2-3 way;15 buds
My second intro from this cross of two Doorakian plants — a good example of the success you can get from line breeding. Very fertile both ways. An attractive flower with reliable rebloom here in our 5B-6A climate. The rebloom more than compensates for the somewhat low bud count. I have pix taken over a two-month period of this one. When I was quite young, Froggy was a puppet on a kids show I occasionally would watch.
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Gender Equality
Howard 2016
(Ashwood Smoky Joe X Ron Valente )
6"/36", MLa, Dor, Tet
3-4 way;22 buds
Purple bi-tone with dark magenta patterned eye and violet sepals. Makes an outstanding clump. Fertile both ways.
Isn't it about time for some gender equality? Did you know that in 2014, women working full time in the United States typically were paid just 79 percent of what men were paid, a gap of 21 percent? It's even worse for women of color. How can we call our country great with such disparity?
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Green Is Good
Howard 2016
(Emerald Starburst X Rose F. Kennedy)
6.5"/33"; EM, Dor, Dip
2-3 Way; 14 buds
Yellow-lime UFo cascade with paler edges. Our first of two intros from this cross of George Doorakian plants. None of these images are touched up or adjusted in any way. I know they were all taken outside except for perhaps the image below. I am not sure about that one—might have been in the greenhouse. The amount of green can vary. It is about as green as George's 2015 Green Icon. It is VERY pod fertile. Pollen works well too. It is larger than most plants of this genre. Green is good in many ways, whether the color of your flower, or developing better ways to treat our planet.
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Miss Atomic Bomb
Howard 2016
(The Full Monty X Neon Flamingo)
7"/38"; M, Dor, Tet
3 Way; 20 buds
Deep pink with light pink watermark and pale yellow-green throat bleeding onto the sepals. It is difficult to capture the color accurately. Melanie Mason's The Full Monty has really thick scapes and I thought by crossing Gossard's Neon Flamingo onto it I could capture
that trait with some of the electric pink glow it has. Sometimes things work out! "Pink is the color most often associated with love, beauty, charm, politeness, sensitivity, tenderness, sweetness, childhood, femininity, and the romantic." (Wikipedia) It's hard not
to look at this bloom and feel something. Quite beautiful and a hit at the Regional the summer of 2015. Fertile both ways but pods are not easy.
The name is from a Killers' song........$45
"All that I wanted was a little touch,
A little tenderness and truth, I didn't ask for much, no
Talk about being at the wrong place at the wrong time…
Miss Atomic Bomb
Making out we've got the radio on
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone"
Mr. Tangerine Man
Howard 2016
(Klaatu Barada Nikto X Wallingford Woolly Bully))
6.5"/50"; M, Dor, Tet
4 Way; 28 buds
Tangerine salmon blend/bitone with toothy edge. Fertile both ways, but pods require persistence. A large imposing bloom on tall scapes. Another intro from our Wallingford Woolly Bully. With both Forestlake Ragamuffin and Tet Spindazzle in its background this is a good one to get height into your teeth program — especially with the nice bud count. An exciting bloom to enjoy in the jingle jangle morning! Plant in full sun. With its significant height, the large blooms may cause the scapes to lean a bit if in too much shade. Let this baby cast its dancin' spell your way for.... Display only
Pink Werewolf
Howard 2016
(Miracle Mama X Bird Talk)
6"/32"; MRe, Sev, Tet
3-4 Way; buds
Light pink bitone with yellow halo, toothy gold edge and pinched throat. Easily fertile both ways and an excellent parent. Hardy, surviving the very cold winter of 2014-15 with no problems. Super parent for large toothy offspring in the pink color range. Can show different looks. Sometimes the throat is more pleated. Has bloomed 3 times in the greenhouse. Everyone loves this one in person. Very vigorous! I wish I was a better photographer. Display only.
Second Star To The Right
Occasional poly bloom
Howard 2016
(Emerald Starburst X Great Red Dragon)
6.75”/45”; M, Dor, Dip
4 Way; 23 buds
Dark magenta unusual form cascade bicolor with light pink sepals and intense lime green eye extending on to all segments. We have a few rather tall intros this year — this is another one. It's the reciprocal cross of our A Charm of Hummingbirds for this year. It's a bud builder and fertile both ways. Display only.
Simple Twist Of Fate
Howard 2016
(Fluid Dynamics X Small World Twister)
7”/51”; MLa, Dor, Dip
4 Way; 24 buds
Lavender blush crispate-cascade UFo with a darker triangular eye zone and a yellow green throat and a 10-inch wingspan. Fertile both ways. I had acquired Tet Small World Twister several years ago and was having trouble using it, so I made a few dip crosses to see what happened — this was one. What a pleasant surprise — due to a simple twist of fate. Name is from a Bob Dylan song. Lots of branching — see image to the left — and a very attractive UFo. Display only.
The Bride Of Dracula
Howard 2016
(Tooth And Nail X On Your Knees You Will Find Him)
5.5”/41”; M, Dor, Tet
3 Way; 20 buds
Orange-red blend with toothy gold edge. Fertile both ways. Sometimes it looks more red than orange-red. See image below.. I know of no other intros from Emily Olson's On Your Knees You Will Find Him, which is surprising, as it has several good qualities — a nice scape with good branching and consistent teeth among them. I can't wait to see the kids. It is taller than most red toothy Tets out there.....$40
Some days it looks more red
The Year Of The Shark
Howard 2016
(Bass Gibson X Fantastic Fringe)
5.5”/33”; M, Dor, Tet
2-3 Way; 15 buds
Crimson self with yellow throat, green heart and very toothy gold edge with tendrils and hooks. The first day I saw this in the seedling beds, I could not believe I had created something this toothy. I was always concerned about introducing something with only 15 buds and sold a couple of fans as a seedling. I kept getting requests to register it — so I did. The lower left image was taken very late in
the day — wish I had seen how big the teeth were that day earlier. It has bigger teeth than most of the toothy ones I have ordered — most at a higher price. Fertile both ways......$60
The Year Of The Shark X All Things To All Men
Treetop Lover
Howard 2016
(Pink Whip Tips X Webster’s Goliath)
7.5”/45”; MLa, Dor, Tet
4 Way; 24 buds
Coral pink peach blend UFo cascade with a yellow halo. I was on the fence about registering this one because I thought it was too "plain". During the Regional this past summer, many people asked about it. I think this was mostly due to its height and branching. Scapes may lean if not planted in full sun. Webster's Goliath has been a
very good parent for me. Pollen good, pods unknown (both parents are pod fertile)
You Can Leave Your Hat On
Howard 2016
(Magic Of Oz X Green Arrow)
5.5”/37”; M, Sev, Dip
2-3 Way; 13 buds
Bisque/light pink blend with an Indian red eye zone and deep green throat and extra petaloid tissue emanating from the throat about 50% of the time. I almost did not introduce this one, but during the Regional Iin 2015 (we were a tour garden) several people wanted to
buy it. It has a little "hat" about half the time, so I thought even with the somewhat low bud count it was unique enough to introduce. Name is from a Joe Cocker song that I used to hear in the 80's at a local watering hole. Fertile both ways-proliferates quite a bit......Disp